Slimline DB9 Serial Gender Changer - F/F - Serial gender changer - DB-9 (F) to DB-9 (F) - GC9SF - Seriel gender changer - DB-9 (hun) til DB-9 (hun) - for P/N: ICUSB2324852, ICUSB422, NETRS232, NETRS2321P, NETRS2321POE, NETRS2322P, NETRS232485W

Kategori Serielle Kabler
Produkt kode GC9SF
Mærke StarTech
Garanti Ukendt
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ALSAT4 14 12-03-2025 Ukendt 8,27
DE712 14 20-03-2025 Ukendt 24,84
IMAT 0 Ukendt 8,84

Marketing beskrivelse

Convert a DB9 9-pin male connector into a DB9 9-pin female connector. This Slimline DB9 Gender Changer features two slimline DB9F connectors, offering a reliable, cost-saving way to convert a 9 pin male port to a 9 pin female port.

Produktbeskrivelse Slimline DB9 Serial Gender Changer - F/F - Serial gender changer - DB-9 (F) to DB-9 (F) - GC9SF - seriel gender changer - DB-9 til DB-9
Seriel gender changer
9-pin D-Sub (DB-9) - hun
Stikforbindelse (anden ende)
9-pin D-Sub (DB-9) - hun
Begrænset livtidsgaranti
Designet for
P/N: ICUSB2324852, ICUSB422, ICUSB422IS, NETRS232, NETRS2321P, NETRS2321POE, NETRS2322P, NETRS232485W
Seriel gender changer
9-pin D-Sub (DB-9) - hun
Stikforbindelse (anden ende)
9-pin D-Sub (DB-9) - hun
Service & Support
Begrænset livtidsgaranti
Designet for
P/N: ICUSB2324852, ICUSB422, ICUSB422IS, NETRS232, NETRS2321P, NETRS2321POE, NETRS2322P, NETRS232485W