
Kategorija Policy Management
Koda 2749601-482
Garancija Neznano
Slike so simbolične.
Produkt je trenutno nedobavljiv
Zahtevajte ponudbo

Marketinški opis

The timeCard 10 time recording records all hours correctly, automates their evaluation and saves a lot of administration work. The actually worked hours can be tracked accurately.timeCard10 is compatible with a number of systems, individually adaptable and usable from everywhere thanks to online access. They are always state-of-the-art thanks to regular updates.

Ključne prednosti

  • Browser-based
  • Free timeCard App for Android and iOS
  • Time recording with GPS coordinates
  • Multiple application forms (holiday, flexitime, etc.)
  • Flexible work time profiles
  • Extensive reports
  • Shift planning, calculation forms, etc.
  • Extensive authorization concept
  • Extendible with the timeCard 10 access controll