Red Hat Enterprise Linux for HPC Compute Node - W/ Smart Management - self-support subscription (1 year) - 1 server, 2 sockets - Level 3

Kód produktu 01PG267
Výrobca Lenovo
Záruka Unknown
Obrázky sú len pre ilustráciu účely
Sklad ks Dodáme Cena
ALSDE-2 100 29. 7. 2024 Upresníme 202,28
Product Description
Red Hat Enterprise Linux for HPC Compute Node - self-support subscription - 1 server, 2 sockets
Operating System
Red Hat Enterprise Linux for HPC Compute Node - Level 3
Product Type
Self-support subscription - 1 year
Bundled with
Smart Management
Licence Type
1 server, 2 sockets
Service & Support
New releases update
Operating System
Red Hat Enterprise Linux for HPC Compute Node - Level 3
Product Type
Self-support subscription - 1 year
Bundled with
Smart Management
Licence Type
1 server, 2 sockets
New releases update - 1 year