
Categorie OCR-Software
Code: LIC-E709F-F00-19-F
Garantie Unknown
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Marketing description

Ga verder dan documenten converteren: transformeer ze met OmniPage. OmniPage biedt u de snelste en meest nauwkeurige conversie van papieren documenten en PDF-bestanden naar bestanden die u kunt bewerken in uw favoriete pc-programma's. Met OmniPage zet u documenten in enkele seconden om in perfect opgemaakte bestanden zonder dat u de tekst opnieuw hoeft in te voeren.

Key selling points

  • Transform PDF files and forms into documents you can edit, share and archive
  • Convert business-critical documents into ready-to-use data and editable formats
  • Send converted files automatically to a pre-programmed workflow
  • Utilize OCR to scan documents to any format and route anywhere on the network

Product features

  • PDF search
    Use eDiscovery Assistant to safely convert a single PDF or batches of PDFs in any format into completely searchable documents.
  • Batch processing
    Schedule large volumes of files for batch processing from folders or email, with unattended automation for real-time document processing.
  • Language recognition
    Process, edit and store documents from virtually anywhere in the world; the tool recognizes over 120 languages.
  • Improved accuracy
    Enjoy exceptional OCR accuracy of digital camera images; document layout improvements faithfully reproduce your documents in a variety of output formats.
  • Scanner integration
    Works with any scanner - mobile scanners, desktop scanners, all-in-one and multi-function printers.
  • Mobile document capture
    Capture text with a digital camera or smartphone and quickly convert pictures to text documents.