Verbatim DVD+R offer 4.7GB or 120 Minutes of write-once storage capacity, superior recording quality, and compatibility with 1X to 16X DVD+R writers . Verbatim's 16X cutting edge technology allows users to record a complete 4.7GB/120Min disc in approximately 5 minutes. Recognized as the choice for professional users, Verbatim DVD+R offers the optimal "Advanced Azo" recording dye, which provides the highest level or read/write performance, reliability, and archival life.
Včasih se v Markit katalogu pojavijo produtki, ki jih ne moremo smatrati kot nove ali imajo določene posebnosti. Ti produkti imajo lahko manjšo garancijsko dobo ali omejeno možnost vračila. Zgodi se tudi, da nekateri distributerji tako označujejo kompatibilne produkte (npr. tonerje) in vas tako opozorijo da kupujete neoriginalne artikle. Prosimo potrdite, da želite naročiti produkt s takimi omejitvami.
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