Kamera Ekipmanları & Ekipman Kitleri

Kamera Ekipmanları & Ekipman Kitleri –  – SCV310 Spyder Checkr Video is a color reference chart for use with video vectorscopes, waveform monitors and professional video editing software such as DaVinci Resolve, Adobe Premiere and Final Cut Pro, to ensure accurate video color and exposure. Spyder Checkr Video allows users to color calibrate one or more cameras, lenses, and sensor combinations to
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
DHCA   2 19.09, Pe 200,41
Kamera Ekipmanları & Ekipman Kitleri –  – SCK100 Spydercheckr allows photographers to color calibrate their cameras, perform precision in-camera white balance and record known-color samples. Spydercheckr helps capture consistent color from day to day and camera to camera and apply these results easily in your workflow with RAW import software such as, Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom. The sturdy, ec
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
DHCA   2 19.09, Pe 213,19