Companies are experiencing a dramatic increase in email-based attacks on their messaging infrastructure and network resources. Spam, spyware, phishing, botnets, zombies, targeted email attacks, and blended-threat attacks not only sap employee productivity, they endanger company networks. These threats can also expose organizations to data loss, compliance, and legal risks. To combat these wide-ranging, email threats, organizations need a comprehensive messaging security solution that stops threats at the gateway before they penetrate the network.Trend Micro InterScan Messaging Security Suite is a gateway email security software solution that integrates multi-tiered anti-spam and anti-phishing with award-winning antivirus and anti-spyware. This comprehensive email protection also provides content filtering to support compliance and to help prevent data loss. With a highly scalable platform and centralized management for easy administration, the solution is optimized to block the full range of standalone, blended-threat, and customer-specific attacks at the gateway.
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