Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) Class Pack - pre-purchasing training funds unit - 30 exam vouchers - volume, ACAD - Level F

Kode: H5T-00002
Merek: Microsoft
Garansi: Tidak diketahui
Hanya untuk tujuan ilustratif
Produk sementara tidak tersedia.
Pengguna terdaftar dapat mengajukan perminataan tertulis dan kami akan mencoba mencarikannya untuk Anda.
Tanyakan penawaran

Deskripsi pemasaran

Passing your first Microsoft Certification exam automatically makes you a member of the Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) community, with access to all of the benefits provided through the Microsoft Certification Program and the private MCP member site. As a MCP, you join a community of millions of certified professionals, with thousands more members joining every month!

Poin kunci yang menjual

  • As a MCP, you have access to many valuable career tools, such as:
  • Certification planner track your progress and view options for completing your certification
  • Certificate manager view, download or purchase paper copies of certificates for the Microsoft Certifications you earn
  • Official transcript download and sharing tool
  • Certification logos download official certification logos
  • Create your virtual business cards
  • MCP eStore Purchase apparel and accessories with certification logos
  • MCP community makes connections with your peers through the Born to Learn blog and Microsoft Tech Showcase events
  • Promotional offers Access special offers on Microsoft training and certification products and discounts
  • Member resources find training or evaluation software, look for job opportunities and much more

Product Description
Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) Class Pack - pre-purchasing training funds unit
Pre-purchasing training funds unit
Networking / communications, operating system
Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) Class Pack
Licence Qty
30 exam vouchers
Volume, academic / Level F
Pre-purchasing training funds unit
Networking / communications, operating system
Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) Class Pack
Licence Qty
30 exam vouchers
Volume, academic / Level F