Microsoft Exchange Online Protection - Abonnemangslicens - 1 användare - REG, kampanj- - Open Value Subscription - Nivå D - extra produkt - Alla språk

Kategori Anti-Spam
Varukod R9Y-00004
Tillverkare Microsoft
Garanti Unknown
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Marketing description

Microsoft Exchange Online är en värdbaserad meddelandelösning i företagsklass som baseras på Microsoft Exchange Server och tillhandahåller förbättrad e-postsäkerhet, åtkomst till e-post från alla platser för de anställda, förbättrad effektivitet för IT-personalen.
I Exchange Online utnyttjas Microsofts kunskaper om Microsoft-produkter, beprövade metoder som utvecklats tillsammans med kunder och partner samt Microsofts globala infrastruktur för att leverera en verksamhetskritisk tjänst i världsklass.

Key selling points

  • Eliminate threats
  • Protect your company's IP reputation
  • Five financially backed SLAs
  • Globally load-balanced network of data centers
  • Manage and administer
  • Near real-time reporting and message trace
  • Active content, connection, and policy-based filtering
  • No hardware or software required
  • Get a predictable payment schedule
  • Simplify IT environments
  • Ensure that no email is lost or bounced
  • Get up and running quickly


  • Eliminate threats
    Eliminate threats before they reach the corporate firewall with multi-layered, real-time anti-spam and multi-engine anti-malware protection.
  • Protect your company's IP reputation
    Protect your company's IP reputation by using separate outbound delivery pools for high-risk email.
  • Five financially backed SLAs
    Five financially backed SLAs attest to a high quality of service, including protection from 100% of known viruses and 99% of spam.
  • Globally load-balanced network of data centers
    Globally load-balanced network of data centers helps to ensure a 99.999% network uptime.
  • Manage and administer
    Manage and administer from the Exchange Administration Center - a single web-based interface.
  • Near real-time reporting and message trace
    Near real-time reporting and message trace capabilities provide insight into email environments by retrieving the status of any message that Exchange Online Protection processes.
  • Active content, connection, and policy-based filtering
    Active content, connection, and policy-based filtering enables compliance with corporate policies and government regulations.
  • No hardware or software required
    No hardware or software required to install, manage, and maintain, which minimizes up-front investment.
  • Get a predictable payment schedule
    Get a predictable payment schedule through a subscription-based service for customers with an on-premises email deployment. Exchange Online Protection is also included in Exchange Online and any Office 365 plan that includes Exchange Online.
  • Simplify IT environments
    Simplify IT environments by reducing the need for in-house email security servers and applications.
  • Ensure that no email is lost or bounced
    Ensure that no email is lost or bounced by automatically queuing email if the destination email server becomes unavailable for any reason.
  • Get up and running quickly
    Get up and running quickly with a simple MX record change.

Microsoft Exchange Online Protection - abonnemangslicens - 1 användare
Typ av produkt
Online- och funktionsbaserade tjänster - antispam
Antal licenser
1 användare
Volym, regering, kampanj- / Nivå D
Microsoft Open Value Subscription
Extra produkt
Alla språk
Online- och funktionsbaserade tjänster - antispam
Typ av produkt
Alla språk
Antal licenser
1 användare
Volym, regering, kampanj- / Nivå D
Microsoft Open Value Subscription
Extra produkt