Network Management Link provides a complete solution for the administration of Comet and Galaxy UPSs over the network: SNMP-based monitoring and alarms (traps) from NMS like HP Open-View, IBM Tivoli Netview, CA Unicenter; Web-based monitoring from any browser; direct e-mail notification; Automatic shutdown of protected servers when used in conjunction with Eaton shutdown modules (UM-Client).Network Management Link gathers in one kit all the necessary components to connect a Galaxy or Comet UPS to an Ethernet 10/100 network: 1 Multislot; 1 U-Talk Acquisition card; 1 SNMP/Web Transverse card (hyperlien vers la carte); Solution-Pac software suite on CD; a 10-meter communication cable; the necessary mounting kit to install Network Management Link in the door or on the side/top of the UPS. For Comet: the UPS must be fitted with a Comet U-Talk board
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