Intel Parallel Studio XE Fortran Composer - Licence + 1 Year Technical Support - 1 uživatel - akademická - Linux, Win

Kód produktu Q5V09A
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Marketingový popis

Do you need a development toolset, that speeds code execution for high-performance computing (HPEC)? Intel Parallel Studio XE is a development suite, that boosts application performance by taking advantage of the ever-increasing processor core count and vector register width available in the compatible processors. Intel Parallel Studio XE simplifies the design, development, debugging and tuning of parallel code while boosting application performance. The suite of software enables software engineers from high-performance compute (HPEC), machine learning, and data analysis applications to productively increase performance on hardware. The Intel Parallel Studio XE tools integrate into your development environment, allowing you to leverage existing code.

Klíčové vlastnosti

  • Deliver consistent programming, accelerate MPI applications with Intel Omni-Path architecture
  • Find high impact, but under optimized loops using Intel Advisor's roofline analysis
  • Accelerate HPEC with high-performance Python
  • Stay up-to-date with the standards and integrated development environments
  • Quickly spot high payoff opportunities for faster code using a combined performance snapshot
  • Easily access the Intel Performance Libraries and Intel Python Distribution

Popis výrobku
Intel Parallel Studio XE Fortran Composer - licence + 1 Year Technical Support - 1 uživatel
Typ výrobku
Vývojové nástroje - programovací jazyky, utility/komponenty a knihovny
Poč. licencí
1 uživatel
Cena licence
Vícenásobná podpora
1 Year Technical Support
Linux, Windows
Vývojové nástroje - programovací jazyky, utility/komponenty a knihovny
Typ výrobku
Linux, Windows
Vícenásobná podpora
1 Year Technical Support
Poč. licencí
1 uživatel
Cena licence
Podporovaný OS
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 11, Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, Microsoft Windows Server 2012, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, Debian Linux 7.0, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 12, Debian 8, Ubuntu 16.04 LTS