Extreme Networks has changed the industry by creating ExtremeXOS - a highly available and extensible software foundation for converged networks. ExtremeXOS raises the bar for availability, which is critical when offering carrier-grade voice and video services over IP and for supporting mission-critical business applications such as CRM. A more available network can also lower operational costs by drastically reducing emergency maintenance. ExtremeXOS allows you to extend the capabilities of your network via dynamic loading of applications, XML APIs and CLI scripting. It allows you to integrate specialized application appliances such as security and VoIP monitoring devices into your network via XML, as well automatically configuring edge ports for security and VoIP using its Universal Port event based activation of scripts.ExtremeXOS has a rich set of Layer 2 and Layer 3 control protocols, provides flexibility on the design of highly resilient networks and has been designed from the ground up to support the next-generation Internet Protocol, IPv6. Even when not planning to use IPv6, ExtremeXOS can help secure the network using IPv6 Access Control Lists and help provide investment protection for your network. Security capabilities provide network access control integrated with end point integrity checking, and network control and management plane protection.
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