SolarWinds Security Event Manager and Workstation - Subscription licence renewal (1 year) - up to 7500 server nodes, up to 500 workstation nodes - Linux, Win, Mac, AIX, HP-UX, Solaris

Cod 200473
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Stoc Cantitate Livrare estimată Preţ
PRDEE 100+ 08.11.2024 4 săptămâni 4.414.762,98
Product Description
SolarWinds Security Event Manager and Workstation - subscription licence renewal (1 year) - up to 7500 server nodes, up to 500 workstation nodes
Product Type
Subscription licence renewal - 1 year
Networking applications - monitoring & performance management
Licence Qty
Up to 7500 server nodes, up to 500 workstation nodes
Linux, Windows, MacOS, AIX, HP-UX, Solaris
Networking applications - monitoring & performance management
Product Type
Subscription licence renewal - 1 year
Linux, Windows, MacOS, AIX, HP-UX, Solaris
Licence Qty
Up to 7500 server nodes, up to 500 workstation nodes