Specifically designed by OKI to meet the demands of a high-volume printing environment, the new Microline 4410 is a super robust, reliable dual 18-pin SIDM (Serial Impact Dot Matrix) printer offering a maximum printing speed of 1066 characters per second and throughput of up to 280 lines per minute. The flagship product of OKI's industry leading Microline range, the Microline 4410 offers large printouts at speeds nearing those of line printers, but at a cost more suitable for those application environments where the volume does not warrant the expense of purchasing a line printer.Offering specific benefits for many different office environments, its high speed is ideal for listings and computer printouts required by accounts, finance and IT departments; and its robustness and reliable performance makes it well suited to high volume, data intensive printing tasks required by administration departments. A cabinet stand is also available to support the product.
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