Red Hat Training Units - lectures and labs - 1 unit

Cod MCT0032US
Marcă Red Hat
Garanţie! Necunoscut
Doar pentru scopuri ilustrative.
Stoc Cantitate Livrare estimată Preţ
TDDK 99 19.11.2024 4 săptămâni 1.882,10
DK060 50 28.11.2024 4 săptămâni 1.989,77
DK060 0 4 săptămâni 1.989,77
ARRDK 0 4 săptămâni 2.259,55

Descriere Markit

Red Hat strives to have the most useful, practical, high quality training on Red Hat Linux available. At the same time, Red Hat encourages and expects Red Hat Linux users and engineers to view training as just one component of professional development and skills building. Training alone is not enough to become a competent user, operator, system administrator or engineer. Appropriate levels and quantities of work experience, reading, research, plus staying current with technology, with best practices, and with user communities are all essential to turning the skills and knowledge in a training program into high quality professional performance on the job.

Product Description
Red Hat Training Units - lectures and labs
Lectures and labs
Operating system
Red Hat Training Units
Licence Qty
1 unit
Lectures and labs
Operating system
Red Hat Training Units
Licence Qty
1 unit