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In modern heterogeneous networks, a single virus can spread very quickly as it is virtually impossible to isolate a newly detected network infection immediately. Corporate users often place various files into file storages, thus exposing all nodes on the corporate network to risk, from workstations to shared file storage facilities.Kaspersky Lab has developed Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Storage - a dedicated solution to protect EMC Celerra storage systems that is based on a uniform set of world-class anti-malware and other core technologies. The application is fully compatible with all network storage products from the EMC Celerra family and provides an unprecedentedly high level of IT security. All data is scanned on-the-fly as it is being written to storage or while it is being modified, ensuring reliable detection and removal of all types of malware from files and archives stored on EMC Celerra storage products.
Neki proizvodi u našem katalogu nisu novi i nekorišteni već su reparirani. Molimo vas da potvrdite da se slažete s narudžbom proizvoda kojima je smanjena garancija ili imaju gore navedena oštećenja.
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