Novecojuši datori var radīt riskus jūsu biznesam. Pārejiet uz Windows 11 Pro savlaicīgi – pirms beidzas Windows 10 atbalsts.
Upgrading the memory in your server, desktop or notebook is one the most cost effective ways to boost performance. Dynamic Memory (DRAM) upgrades are quick and easy to install. Adding extra memory ensures that the operating system and applications run faster and smoother and is essential for applications such as gaming, HD video and image editing, graphic design, multi-tasking and manipulating large amounts of data. Upgrading is also an easy way of extending the life of your system.
Neki proizvodi u našem katalogu nisu novi i nekorišteni već su reparirani. Molimo vas da potvrdite da se slažete s narudžbom proizvoda kojima je smanjena garancija ili imaju gore navedena oštećenja.
This product is not allowed to be purchased. Please contact your IT purchase department to whitelist the product.