NetIQ Access Manager - Licencia de suscripción (1 año) - 1 usuario - G2C, B2C - ESD

Codi SB-AC430
Marca Novell
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Descripció de màrqueting

With the aggressive adoption of cloud technologies and mobile devices, enterprises are faced with the challenge of managing secure access in domains that they do not completely control. If they are to stay competitive, Enterprises need to change their traditional approach of how they provide a secure infrastructure that accelerates business, not impede it. NetIQ Access Manager integrates the latest federation standards with traditional access management technologies to provide the best solution to secure access for your applications; regardless of whether they are your own, your partners, or out in the cloud.

Punts de venda clau

  • Simplified, centralized administration
  • Easy integration
  • Business to business federated access
  • Web single sign-on
  • Microsoft Office365 single sign-on
  • Simplified access to SharePoint
  • Secure access on the go
  • Self service password administration

Característiques del producte

  • Simplified, centralized administration
    Take control of access from one central location. You can use NetIQ Access Manager to centralize access control for all your web enabled resources.
  • Easy integration
    You don't have to replace your existing authentication systems. Access Manager works out of the box and easily integrates with your current systems.
  • Business to business federated access
    Let your users share information with trusted partners safely and securely using Federation. Access Manager adheres to the full Federation standard specification giving your users a secure way to pass authentication information along to their business partners when they need to.
  • Web single sign-on
    Access Manager enables single sign-on, which means your employee and partners only have to remember one login for authorized access to all corporate web-based applications. This not only makes your environment more secure, it makes your users more productive and lowers your support costs.
  • Microsoft Office365 single sign-on
    Access Manager provides an integrated single sign-on experience for all your applications and resources, whether they're hosted internally or in your Microsoft Office365 environment. Give your users an integrated single sign-on experience for all of their applications, both local and in the cloud.
  • Simplified access to SharePoint
    Using the WS-Federation standard, Access Manager simplifies your process of managing different user communities' access to Microsoft SharePoint. Access Manager gives your users a single SharePoint password adhering to a single policy regardless of where their account resides.
  • Secure access on the go
    Give your users the same experience with their apps, whether they are inside or outside the firewall. With SSL VPN, Access Manager allows you to provide your mobile workers with a secure tunnel between, say, their hotel room and the app they're accessing. Your user's access is always simple and secure wherever they are.
  • Self service password administration
    Self service password reset enables users to reset their passwords or unlock their account without calling help desk. And because identity manager distributes password updates in real time across all your physical and virtual resources, your entire environment is password maintenance free.

Descripción del producto
NetIQ Access Manager - licencia de suscripción (1 año) - 1 usuario
Tipo de producto
Licencia de suscripción - 1 año
Aplicaciones de red - acceso remoto / control de registros
Nº de licencias
1 usuario
Precio licencia
Government-to-Citizen, Business-to-Consumer
Detalles de la licencia
Aplicaciones de red - acceso remoto / control de registros
Tipo de producto
Licencia de suscripción - 1 año
Nº de licencias
1 usuario
Precio licencia
Government-to-Citizen, Business-to-Consumer