Microsoft Project Server - Licence a zajištění kvality softwaru - 1 server - Open Value Subscription - úroveň F - doplňkový produkt, roční poplatek - Win - všechny jazyky

Kód produktu H22-02366
Výrobce Microsoft
Záruka Neznámý
Obrázky jsou pouze pro ilustrativní účely
Sklad ks skladem Očekávané dodání Cena
ALSFI1 30000 08.11.2024 Upřesníme 65,08
DE168 999 12.11.2024 Upřesníme 82,35
FI507 0 Upřesníme 76,42

Marketingový popis

Server Project Server umožňuje organizacím efektivněji řídit a koordinovat práci od jednorázových projektů až po složité programy s úplným projektovým cyklem.

Klíčové vlastnosti

  • Unified project and portfolio management
  • Drive accountability and control with governance workflow
  • Standardize and streamline project initiation
  • Select the right portfolios that align with strategy
  • Effectively prioritize and communicate business strategy
  • Run what-if analyzes under varying constraints
  • Easily build Web-based project schedules
  • Gain visibility and control through reports and dashboards
  • Simplified administration and flexibility
  • Gain additional value from the Microsoft platform
  • Extensible and programmable platform

Funkce produktu

  • Unified project and portfolio management
    The best-in-class portfolio management techniques provide a single server with an intuitive user interface that offers the right tools to support the entire project life cycle. By combining top-down portfolio management techniques with bottom-up project management capabilities, Project Server helps organizations identify and select optimal portfolios, and successfully deliver the projects to realize results.
  • Drive accountability and control with governance workflow
    Project Server workflow capabilities help organizations define the right governance processes to effectively control all types of work - project and operational - throughout the work life cycle. Establishing checkpoints within the process and identifying individuals with the appropriate approval authority helps drive accountability, increases awareness, and provides an auditable record of all investment decisions.
  • Standardize and streamline project initiation
    Project Server provides a one-stop-shopping demand management portal to help organizations streamline and standardize the initiation process for all types of work. Centralizing project and operational activities in a central system provides organizations with visibility across all requests and in-flight initiatives, so it is easy to eliminate duplicate requests and quickly assess the impact on available resources. The flexibility of Project Server helps the PMO provide departments with a level of autonomy, while standardizing the collection of data to facilitate enterprise reporting.
  • Select the right portfolios that align with strategy
    Gone are the days when projects are funded on a first-come, first-served basis. ProjectServer includes best-practice portfolio selection techniques that provide a handshake between value optimization - that is, alignment with strategy - and resource utilization, to help organizations adopt a more rational rather than emotional approach to investment selection. The portfolio management and analytical capabilities help executives do more with less and objectively demonstrate the investment alignment with strategic priorities.
  • Effectively prioritize and communicate business strategy
    Project Server helps executives break down their strategy into actionable, measurable, and discrete business drivers. The intuitive pairwise assessment helps to ensure that organizations objectively prioritize business drivers, drive executive consensus, and derive a relative score that is used to measure the strategic contribution of competing requests. Consolidating and prioritizing business drivers within Project Server helps to communicate the strategy in actionable terms, and provide a blueprint that can be understood and implemented by departmental managers.
  • Run what-if analyzes under varying constraints
    Project Server helps organizations prioritize and assess projects from multiple dimensions - strategic value, financial value, risk - to provide objective, apples-to-apples comparisons. The intuitive Cost Constraint Analysis view helps analysts quickly model varying budget constraints and use a sophisticated optimization algorithm to recommend the project portfolio that best aligns with the business strategy. The Efficient Frontier, Strategic Alignment, and Compare Scenario views provide powerful insights that help executives identify tradeoffs, and evaluate and refine portfolio selection.
  • Easily build Web-based project schedules
    Project Server empowers a mobile workforce by bringing the power of Microsoft Project Professional to the browser with Web-based project scheduling. Project managers can now take advantage of powerful diagnostic capabilities, such as Change Highlighting and Multi-Level Undo without first opening Project Professional . Web-based scheduling provides occasional and certified project managers with the flexibility to quickly build simple and complex schedules online, and conveniently edit the plan from any location over the Internet.
  • Gain visibility and control through reports and dashboards
    Project Server provides a powerful reporting infrastructure coupled with flexible Business Intelligence tools to help ensure that organizations proactively gain visibility across their project portfolios, that they can react quickly, and can generate custom reports. Project Server uses the Microsoft Business Intelligence platform, including Excel Services, PerformancePoint Services, Visio Services, PowerPivot for Excel, SQL Reporting Services, and more, to provide organizations with a comprehensive solution that will grow with their reporting needs. The solution provides nontechnical resources with familiar tools to easily create reports and configure powerful audience-based dashboards, while providing technical resources with more sophisticated capabilities to create complex views.
  • Simplified administration and flexibility
    Project Server is extremely flexible and can be quickly configured to meet an organization's unique requirements and business processes. Project Server simplifies administration through an improved console that consolidates both project and portfolio management capabilities.
  • Gain additional value from the Microsoft platform
    Project Server connects with related Microsoft technologies, such as SharePoint Server, Microsoft Office, and Exchange Server, to provide a powerful and familiar work management platform. This helps to ensure that team members can choose their preferred productivity tools to easily receive tasks and provide status updates to project stakeholders with minimal effort and administrative overhead. This flexibility helps drive productivity and helps to ensure that project managers and PMOs can effectively gather the required data to drive enterprise reporting and resource management.
  • Extensible and programmable platform
    Project Server provides an open, extensible, and programmable platform to help ensure that organizations can easily develop custom solutions and effectively integrate with line-of business systems.

Popis výrobku
Microsoft Project Server - licence a zajištění kvality softwaru - 1 server
Typ výrobku
Licence a zajištění kvality softwaru
Kancelářské aplikace - projekty/procesy
Poč. licencí
1 server
Cena licence
Množství / úroveň F
Licenční program
Microsoft Open Value Subscription
Detaily licence
Doplňkový produkt, roční poplatek
Všechny jazyky
Servis a podpora
Aktualizace nových verzí
Kancelářské aplikace - projekty/procesy
Typ výrobku
Licence a zajištění kvality softwaru
Všechny jazyky
Poč. licencí
1 server
Cena licence
Množství / úroveň F
Licenční program
Microsoft Open Value Subscription
Doplňkový produkt, roční poplatek
Aktualizace nových verzí - celé období