DELTACO - System cabinet screw (pack of 50)

類別: 伺服器配件
代碼: SV-5
品牌: Deltaco
保修: 未知
庫存 數量 預計配送 價格
FI896 73 3/7/2024 ~ 4周 2.32
Product Description
DELTACO system cabinet screw
Product Type
System cabinet screw
Packaged Quantity
50 (specifications are for single item)
Package Content
10 screws for floppy and CD/DVD drives, 10 spacers for mainboards, 10 thumb screws for system cabinet, 10 screws for system cabinet, 10 screws for HDD
Packaged Quantity
50 (specifications are for single item)
Product Type
System cabinet screw
Package Content
10 screws for floppy and CD/DVD drives, 10 spacers for mainboards, 10 thumb screws for system cabinet, 10 screws for system cabinet, 10 screws for HDD