Epson Proofing Paper Standard - Rollo (43,2 cm x 50 m) 1 bobina(s) papel de pruebas - para Stylus Pro 4900 Spectro_M1; SureColor P5000, SC-P10000, P20000, P5000, P6000, P7500, P9500

Categoria: Paper per a rodet
Codi C13S045007
Marca Epson
Garantia 12 Mesos
12 Mesos
Imatges només amb fins il·lustratius
Estoc Quant. Lliurament est. Preu
FR279 0 ~ 4 setmanes 142,62
FR280 0 ~ 4 setmanes 154,20
DK773  3  27/11/2024 ~ 4 setmanes 221,11

Descripció de màrqueting

Epson has earned a strong reputation for first-class printers, which offer an outstanding combination of quality, reliability and value for money. However, unless these products are complemented by Epson consumables to match, users cannot expect to fully capitalize on their investment. Epson understands that printing is a process, with printer, inks and paper working together to offer the ultimate in quality output. With this in mind, each Epson consumable features innovative design, meticulous development, precision manufacture and rigorous quality control, ensuring that Epson hardware continues to offer optimum performance throughout a long, trouble-free, working life.

Descripción del producto
Epson Proofing Paper Standard - papel de pruebas - 1 bobina(s) - Rollo (43,2 cm x 50 m)
Tipo de producto
Papel de pruebas
Tamaño soporte
Rollo (43,2 cm x 50 m)
Tecnología de impresión
Chorro de tinta
Cantidad incluida
1 bobina(s)
Compatible con
Stylus Pro 11880, Pro 4000, Pro 4450, Pro 48XX, Pro 4900, Pro 4900 Spectro_M1, Pro 7600, Pro 7700, Pro 78XX, Pro 7900, Pro 9600, Pro 9700, Pro 98XX, Pro 9900, Pro WT7900; SureColor P5000, SC-P10000, P20000, P5000, P6000, P7000, P7500, P8000, P9000, P9500, T3000, T3200, T5000, T5200, T7000, T7200
Tipo de soporte
Papel de pruebas
Tamaño soporte
Rollo (43,2 cm x 50 m)
Tecnología de impresión
Chorro de tinta
Cantidad incluida
1 bobina(s)
Compatible con
Epson Stylus Pro 11880, Pro 11880 AGFA, Pro 11880 Xerox, Pro 4000, Pro 4450, Pro 4800, Pro 4880, Pro 4880 AGFA, Pro 4900, Pro 4900 Designer Edition, Pro 4900 Spectro_M1, Pro 7600, Pro 7700, Pro 7800, Pro 7880, Pro 7890, Pro 7890 AGFA, Pro 7900, Pro 7900 AGFA, Pro 7900 Designer Edition, Pro 9600, Pro 9700, Pro 9800, Pro 9880, Pro 9890, Pro 9890 AGFA, Pro 9900, Pro WT7900, Pro WT7900 Designer Edition ¦ Epson SureColor P5000, SC-P10000, SC-P20000, SC-P5000, SC-P5000 STD Spectro, SC-P5000 Violet, SC-P5000 Violet Spectro, SC-P6000, SC-P7000, SC-P7000V, SC-P7500, SC-P7500 Spectro, SC-P8000, SC-P9000, SC-P9000V, SC-P9500, SC-P9500 Spectro, SC-T3000, SC-T3000 POS, SC-T3000 w/o stand, SC-T3200, SC-T3200 w/o stand, SC-T3200-PS, SC-T5000, SC-T5000 POS, SC-T5200, SC-T5200D, SC-T5200DMFP, SC-T5200D-PS, SC-T5200MFP, SC-T5200-PS, SC-T7000, SC-T7000 POS, SC-T7200, SC-T7200 MFP, SC-T7200D, SC-T7200D MFP, SC-T7200D-PS, SC-T7200-PS