EMEA Region, Toshiba Storage Solutions - With surveillance systems, nothing but the best is good enough. The Toshiba 3.5-inch S300 is built to meet the highest demands. With support for up to 64 high-resolution surveillance video cameras simultaneously and up to 6 TB capacity, it brings everything into clear view. Each S300 is built with the highest-quality components and has passed rigorous tests to ensure 24 x 7 reliability and performance. That's Toshiba quality you can trust under the harshest working conditions.
Včasih se v Markit katalogu pojavijo produtki, ki jih ne moremo smatrati kot nove ali imajo določene posebnosti. Ti produkti imajo lahko manjšo garancijsko dobo ali omejeno možnost vračila. Zgodi se tudi, da nekateri distributerji tako označujejo kompatibilne produkte (npr. tonerje) in vas tako opozorijo da kupujete neoriginalne artikle. Prosimo potrdite, da želite naročiti produkt s takimi omejitvami.
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