Consequently, measuring the time is becoming ever more important; wearing a "chronometer" is chic and collecting watches is in. Electronic watches are doubly attractive: they are modern, and they are reliable in use - provided their power supply is reliable. This is where Varta button cells come in. Whether they are made from silver-oxide-zinc or lithium-manganese, they deliver a constant voltage with minimal self-discharge. They are leak-proof and long-life. Their dependability is your guarantee: with Varta you have time under control.
Dažreiz Markit katalogā ir preces, kas nav jaunas. Šīm precēm var būt īsāks garantijas laiks un atšķirīgi atgriešanas nosacījumi. Lūdzu zemāk apstipriniet, ka piekrītat pasūtīt preces ar trūkumiem.
Šo produktu nav iespējams iegādāties. Lūdzu sazinieties ar savu klientu menedžeri.