The UNYSAT Universal Quattro Switch LNB fits all AZ / EL holders of the SATMAN antenna dishes and is used to implement TV, radio and multimedia offers that are broadcast via satellite.This LNB has four outputs, each of which can be connected directly to a receiving device (satellite receiver or smart TV). All receiving devices are independent in their choice of programs, as the signals from the entire receiving range are present at each of the four LNB outputs. Two twin receivers can easily be connected to this LNB instead of four individual devices.The UNYSAT Universal-Quattro-Switch-LNB, however, allows a maximum of four-participant reception. An extension of the receiving system with multi-switches is not planned. If more than four participants are to be connected, a Quattro LNB must be used in conjunction with a multi-switch.Due to its design, the UNYSAT Universal Quattro Switch LNB is protected against interference from LTE cellular radio.
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