Linux Yazılımı

3D Collection for enterprise (7) 3D Collection for teams (32) Advanced (33) and Workstation (74) Availability for Linux (1) Availability for Windows and Linux (2) Basic Edition (1) Business (2) Complete (3) Corporate (1) DR for Linux (1) Embedded Lifecycle Management (1) Enterprise 15G (1) Enterprise Edition (1) Extents File System (1) Flexible License (1) Flexible License (1) for Azure SQL Database (35) for Linux (2) for Linux - vSphere Recovery Appliance (2) for Linux - vSphere Recovery Appliance Add-on (1) for Linux Enterprise HANA (1) for Linux Virtual Edition Add-on (1) For Linux x86 Advanced (1) for Linux x86 Base (1) For Linux x86 Enterprise (1) for Oracle EE, DB2, or ASE (50) High Availability Add-On (1) High-Avaliability Add-On (1) Multi-Platform (9) New Licensing Onboard (3) New Licensing OnGuard (3) OnGuard (5) Platform Base - Complete Edition with Flexible Licensing (1) Pro (1) Remote Access (1) Resilient Storage Add-on (2) SEM100 (1) SEM10000 (1) SEM150 (1) SEM1500 (1) SEM200 (1) SEM250 (1) SEM2500 (1) SEM3500 (1) SEM50 (1) SEM500 (1) SEM5000 (1) SEM650 (1) SEM800 (1) Standard Edition (2) Standard Server (2) Suite for Lotus Domino (66) Suite for Lotus Domino for Linux on zSeries (2) Suite for Microsoft Exchange (4) VM Option (16) VM Option for Oracle EE, DB2 or ASE (16) VM Option for Oracle EE, DB2, or Sybase (40) Workstation Edition (2) Workstation Edition SWE1000 and SEM100 (1) Workstation Edition SWE1000 and SEM1000 (1) Workstation Edition SWE1000 and SEM150 (1) Workstation Edition SWE1000 and SEM1500 (1) Workstation Edition SWE1000 and SEM200 (1) Workstation Edition SWE1000 and SEM250 (1) Workstation Edition SWE1000 and SEM2500 (1) Workstation Edition SWE1000 and SEM30 (1) Workstation Edition SWE1000 and SEM3500 (1) Workstation Edition SWE1000 and SEM50 (1) Workstation Edition SWE1000 and SEM500 (1) Workstation Edition SWE1000 and SEM5000 (1) Workstation Edition SWE1000 and SEM650 (1) Workstation Edition SWE1000 and SEM7500 (1) Workstation 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Linux Yazılımı –  – 107389 SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for Azure SQL Database - Conversion subscription licence - 1 instance - volume - 20-49 licences - Win, Linux
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 38.659
Linux Yazılımı –  – 200823 SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for Azure SQL Database - Subscription licence renewal (1 year) - 1 database - volume - 50-79 licences - Linux, Win
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 39.835
Linux Yazılımı –  – 71370 SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for Oracle EE, DB2, or ASE - Upgrade licence - 1 instance - upgrade from SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for Oracle EE, DB2 or ASE - volume - 10-19 licences - for virtualised environments, maintenance expires on same day as existing instances - Linux, Win
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 40.716
Linux Yazılımı –  – PY-LCM14 ServerView embedded Lifecycle Management - Activation License - Linux, Win
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PL111   2 17.02, Pt 42.339
Linux Yazılımı –  – 103090 SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for Azure SQL Database - Subscription licence (1 year) - 1 database - volume - 5-19 licences - Linux, Win
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 43.183
Linux Yazılımı –  – 103109 SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for Azure SQL Database - Subscription upgrade licence - 1 database - volume - 5-19 licences - expires on same day as existing databases - Linux, Win
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 43.183
Linux Yazılımı –  – 107388 SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for Azure SQL Database - Conversion subscription licence - 1 instance - volume - 5-19 licences - Win, Linux
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 43.183
Linux Yazılımı –  – 200822 SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for Azure SQL Database - Subscription licence renewal (1 year) - 1 database - volume - 20-49 licences - Linux, Win
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 45.710
Linux Yazılımı –  – 200821 SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for Azure SQL Database - Subscription licence renewal (1 year) - 1 database - volume - 5-19 licences - Linux, Win
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 51.096
Linux Yazılımı –  – 200660 SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer VM Option - Subscription licence renewal (1 year) - 1 database instance - volume - 10000-20000 licences - Linux, Win
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 54.033
Linux Yazılımı –  – 1000060621 Carbonite Double-Take DR for Linux - Maintenance (1 year) - Linux
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 57.015
Linux Yazılımı –  – 103089 SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for Azure SQL Database - Subscription licence (1 year) - 1 database - volume - 1-4 licences - Linux, Win
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 57.167
Linux Yazılımı –  – 103108 SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for Azure SQL Database - Subscription upgrade licence - 1 database - volume - 2-4 licences - expires on same day as existing databases - Linux, Win
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 57.167
Linux Yazılımı –  – 107387 SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for Azure SQL Database - Conversion subscription licence - 1 instance - volume - 1-4 licences - Win, Linux
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 57.167
Linux Yazılımı –  – 200659 SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer VM Option - Subscription licence renewal (1 year) - 1 database instance - volume - 5001-9999 licences - Linux, Win
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 67.742
Linux Yazılımı –  – 200820 SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for Azure SQL Database - Subscription licence renewal (1 year) - 1 database - volume - 1-4 licences - Linux, Win
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 67.742
Linux Yazılımı –  – TVRA0001 TeamViewer Remote Access - (v. 15) - subscription licence (1 year) - 1 user, up to 3 endpoints - ESD - a maximum of 3 licences per company - Linux, Win, Mac, Android, iOS, Chrome OS
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 76.780
Linux Yazılımı –  – 200658 SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer VM Option - Subscription licence renewal (1 year) - 1 database instance - volume - 1500-5000 licences - Linux, Win
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 81.451
Linux Yazılımı –  – 200657 SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer VM Option - Subscription licence renewal (1 year) - 1 database instance - volume - 1000-1499 licences - Linux, Win
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 86.837
Linux Yazılımı –  – 102324 SolarWinds Web Help Desk - Technician License Subscription (1 year) - 1 named user - volume - 501+ level - Linux, Win, Mac
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 88.423
Linux Yazılımı –  – 103403 SolarWinds Web Help Desk - Subscription upgrade licence (1 year) - 1 additional named user - volume - 501+ level - expires on same day as existing seats - Linux, Win, Mac
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 88.423
Linux Yazılımı –  – 200656 SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer VM Option - Subscription licence renewal (1 year) - 1 database instance - volume - 800-999 licences - Linux, Win
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 92.223
Linux Yazılımı –  – 200655 SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer VM Option - Subscription licence renewal (1 year) - 1 database instance - volume - 600-799 licenses - Linux, Win
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 98.098
Linux Yazılımı –  – 102323 SolarWinds Web Help Desk - Technician License Subscription (1 year) - 1 named user - volume - 251-500 licences - Linux, Win, Mac
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 98.294
Linux Yazılımı –  – 103402 SolarWinds Web Help Desk - Subscription upgrade licence (1 year) - 1 additional named user - volume - 251-500 licences - expires on same day as existing seats - Linux, Win, Mac
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 98.294
Linux Yazılımı –  – 385-BBPP Dell iDRAC9 Enterprise 15G - Licence - Win, Linux
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
HU027   5 14.02, Cu 100.595
Linux Yazılımı –  – 200868 SolarWinds Web Help Desk - Technician Licence Subscription (renewal) (1 year) - 1 named user - volume - 501+ level - Linux, Win, Mac
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 104.952
Linux Yazılımı –  – 102322 SolarWinds Web Help Desk - Technician License Subscription (1 year) - 1 named user - volume - 101-250 licences - Linux, Win, Mac
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 105.285
Linux Yazılımı –  – 103401 SolarWinds Web Help Desk - Subscription upgrade licence (1 year) - 1 additional named user - volume - 101-250 licences - expires on same day as existing seats - Linux, Win, Mac
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 105.285
Linux Yazılımı –  – 200654 SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer VM Option - Subscription licence renewal (1 year) - 1 database instance - volume - 400-599 licences - Linux, Win
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 105.932
Linux Yazılımı –  – 200653 SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer VM Option - Subscription licence renewal (1 year) - 1 database instance - volume - 200-399 licences - Linux, Win
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 111.807
Linux Yazılımı –  – 102321 Web Help Desk - Licence + 1 Year Maintenance - 1 named user - volume - 76-100 licences - Linux, Win, Mac
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 113.100
Linux Yazılımı –  – 103400 SolarWinds Web Help Desk - Subscription upgrade licence (1 year) - 1 additional named user - volume - 76-100 licences - expires on same day as existing seats - Linux, Win, Mac
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 113.100
Linux Yazılımı –  – 1000060551 Carbonite Availability for Linux - vSphere Recovery Appliance Add-on - Maintenance (2 years) - Linux
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 113.481
Linux Yazılımı –  – 200867 SolarWinds Web Help Desk - Technician Licence Subscription (renewal) (1 year) - 1 named user - volume - 251-500 licences - Linux, Win, Mac
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 116.703
Linux Yazılımı –  – 102320 SolarWinds Web Help Desk - Technician License Subscription (1 year) - 1 named user - volume - 51-75 licences - Linux, Win, Mac
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 120.091
Linux Yazılımı –  – 103399 SolarWinds Web Help Desk - Subscription upgrade licence (1 year) - 1 additional named user - volume - 51-75 licences - expires on same day as existing seats - Linux, Win, Mac
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 120.091
Linux Yazılımı –  – 103177 SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for Oracle EE, DB2, or ASE - Subscription upgrade licence - 1 additional instance - volume - 10000-20000 licences - expires on same day as existing instances - Linux, Win
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 124.204
Linux Yazılımı –  – 200866 SolarWinds Web Help Desk - Technician Licence Subscription (renewal) (1 year) - 1 named user - volume - 101-250 licences - Linux, Win, Mac
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 125.026
Linux Yazılımı –  – 102319 SolarWinds Web Help Desk - Technician License Subscription (1 year) - 1 named user - volume - 41-50 licences - Linux, Win, Mac
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 127.905
Linux Yazılımı –  – 103398 SolarWinds Web Help Desk - Subscription upgrade licence (1 year) - 1 additional named user - volume - 41-50 licences - expires on same day as existing seats - Linux, Win, Mac
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 127.905
Linux Yazılımı –  – 102959 SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer VM Option for Oracle EE, DB2, or Sybase - Subscription licence (1 year) - 1 instance - volume - 10000-20000 licences - for virtualised environments - Linux, Win
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 130.784
Linux Yazılımı –  – 102984 SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer VM Option for Oracle EE, DB2, or Sybase - Subscription upgrade licence - 1 additional instance - volume - 10000-20000 licences - for virtualised environments, expires on same day as existing instances - Linux, Win
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 130.784
Linux Yazılımı –  – 107412 SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer VM Option for Oracle EE, DB2 or ASE - Conversion subscription licence - 1 instance - volume - 10000-20000 licences - Win, Linux
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 130.784
Linux Yazılımı –  – 200652 SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer VM Option - Subscription licence renewal (1 year) - 1 database instance - volume - 100-199 licences - Linux, Win
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 130.902
Linux Yazılımı –  – 102318 SolarWinds Web Help Desk - Technician License Subscription (1 year) - 1 named user - volume - 31-40 licences - Linux, Win, Mac
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 132.429
Linux Yazılımı –  – 103397 SolarWinds Web Help Desk - Subscription upgrade licence (1 year) - 1 additional named user - volume - 31-40 licences - expires on same day as existing seats - Linux, Win, Mac
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 132.429
Linux Yazılımı –  – 200865 SolarWinds Web Help Desk - Technician Licence Subscription (renewal) (1 year) - 1 named user - volume - 76-100 licences - Linux, Win, Mac
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 134.329
Linux Yazılımı –  – 102317 SolarWinds Web Help Desk - Technician License Subscription (1 year) - 1 named user - volume - 21-30 licences - Linux, Win, Mac
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 137.776
Linux Yazılımı –  – 103396 SolarWinds Web Help Desk - Subscription upgrade licence (1 year) - 1 additional named user - volume - 21-30 licences - expires on same day as existing seats - Linux, Win, Mac
Stok Adet Tah. Tes. Tar. Fiyat
PRDEE   100+ 13.02, Pe 137.776