HPE - MO - 1.3 GB - Mac / PC - pro StorageWorks 600mx Optical Jukebox, 700mx Optical Jukebox

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Kód produktu 92280T
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Marketingový popis

Choose the disk developed especially for your optical drive. HPE optical disks are your assurance of disk-to-drive compatibility - the key to secure protection of your valuable data. Select HPE optical disks to enhance the reliability, performance, and longevity of your drive. Each HPE optical disk is encased in a sturdy, poly-carbonate casing to inhibit both the attraction of dust particles and static buildup.
HPE 5.25-inch magneto-optical disks provide a storage alternate that surpasses all others in capacity, durability and flexibility. The 600, 1.2 or 1.3 GB capacity of each HPE optical write-once disk with 512 or 1024 bytes per sector translates to about 650000 pages of text. The HPE rewritable disks allow users to write and erase repeatedly without data corruption; these disks are ideal for data management in information-intensive environments. The HPE write-once disks are designed for permanent storage of large volumes of unalterable information. HPE optical disks are engineered to meet and surpass the most stringent industry standards. Outstanding attention to quality in design and testing insures the highest levels of data integrity. HPE optical disks are tested rigorously with HPE optical jukeboxes. They are second to none in quality, making them ideal for the rigors of swap-intensive jukebox environments. HPE optical disks meet ISO/IEC standards.

Popis výrobku
HPE - MO x 1 - 1.3 GB - úložná média
Úložná média - MO
Faktor tvaru médií
Zahrnutý počet médií
Formát médií
Mac / PC
Nativní kapacita
1.3 GB
Formát nahrávání
1024 bajtů/sektor
Záruka výrobce
Omezená záruka po dobu životnosti
Navrženo pro
StorageWorks 600mx Optical Jukebox, 700mx Optical Jukebox
Faktor tvaru médií
Zahrnutý počet médií
Formát médií
Mac / PC
Nativní kapacita
1.3 GB
Formát nahrávání
1024 bajtů/sektor
Typ balení
Servis a podpora
Omezená záruka po dobu životnosti
Min provozní teplota
5 °C
Maximální provozní teplota
55 °C
Provozní rozsah vlhkosti
10 - 80%
Minimální úložná teplota
-10 °C
Maximální úložná teplota
55 °C
Skladovací rozsah vlhkosti
5 - 90%
Navrženo pro
HPE StorageWorks 600mx Optical Jukebox, 700mx Optical Jukebox