类别: 磁带柜
代码: OV-NEO2U93Y
品牌: Overland Storage
保修: 未知


Don't let the entry-level price point fool you - the NEOs T24 is a powerful backup and archive solution designed for small businesses or remote locations. Packing high storage capacity in a compact 2U form factor, the NEOs T24 delivers amazing capabilities in a compact form factor. Available as either a 12-slot autoloader or a 24-slot library, the NEOs T24 provides affordable, dependable, easy to use backup and archive capability for a variety of data center environments.


  • Affordable backup
  • Effortlessly manage your backup and archive processes from anywhere in the world
  • Add tape drives as needed for increased performance and enhanced efficiency


  • LTFS
    LTFS functionality allows a tape cartridge to look just like a file system in which a the cartridge can be "mounted" just like a hard drive or thumb drive.
  • Remote management
    NEO Series remote management provides intelligent, proactive administration and monitoring of the tape library, tape drives and media, ensuring a seamless backup and archive process.
  • Removable cartridge magazines
    NEO Series removable cartridge magazines provide effortless media handling for loading/unloading of cartridges while facilitating off-line storage for disaster recovery purposes.
  • Partitioning
    NEO Series partitioning capability allows you to configure a single physical library into multiple virtual libraries.