Novecojuši datori var radīt riskus jūsu biznesam. Pārejiet uz Windows 11 Pro savlaicīgi – pirms beidzas Windows 10 atbalsts.
On-site Service customer logs a call with the help desk over the telephone. The support technicians will attempt to resolve the problem using remote diagnostics or directly over the telephone. If this is not possible or when the process highlights that a specific component in the hardware must be replaced a Fujitsu Technology Solutions service partner will be dispatched to the customer site arriving within the contracted service time. The repair will be completed at the customer's location. The customer pays nothing more.
Alguns dels productes al nostre catàleg no tenen condició de nous. Si us plau confirmeu que esteu d’acord a realitzar la comanda d’un producte amb garantia limitada o amb d'altres deficiències ja anomenades.
This product is not allowed to be purchased. Please contact your IT purchase department to whitelist the product.