Novecojuši datori var radīt riskus jūsu biznesam. Pārejiet uz Windows 11 Pro savlaicīgi – pirms beidzas Windows 10 atbalsts.
LANCOM R&S Unified Firewalls complement your network by the relevant feature of cybersecurity. These easy-to-operate all-round solutions are tailored to the specific security needs of small and medium-sized businesses.The easy-to-use web-based user interface of the LANCOM R&S Unified Firewalls empowers users to deliver the highest levels of cyber security. Human error in the configuration of the firewall is greatly reduced as the network firewall rules are clearly and graphically displayed. The browser-based centralized management GUI enables granular fine tuning while providing a comprehensive overview of the secured devices and connections in the network. This not only facilitates the implementation of compliance policies but also saves time by allowing rules to be combined efficiently.
Dažreiz Markit katalogā ir preces, kas nav jaunas. Šīm precēm var būt īsāks garantijas laiks un atšķirīgi atgriešanas nosacījumi. Lūdzu zemāk apstipriniet, ka piekrītat pasūtīt preces ar trūkumiem.
Šo produktu nav iespējams iegādāties. Lūdzu sazinieties ar savu klientu menedžeri.