
Kategori: Kabel Video
Kode: 11.99.4326
Merek: Secomp
Garansi: Tidak diketahui
Hanya untuk tujuan ilustratif
Produk sementara tidak tersedia.
Pengguna terdaftar dapat mengajukan perminataan tertulis dan kami akan mencoba mencarikannya untuk Anda.
Tanyakan penawaran

Deskripsi pemasaran

At Secomp, it is believed that high-quality solutions are the foundation of all technical systems and that is why you always find a right option in the wide range of products provided by Secomp. The company's reliable solutions give its customers all the necessary flexibility they need.
Used for transmission of video signals;
Color: black.

Poin kunci yang menjual

  • Used for transmission of video signals;
  • Color: black.


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