The MSI N210 series of graphics cards use advanced 40nm GPUs allowing for the implementation of substantially more transistors on the same surface area and at the same time increasing energy efficiency. This also results in much lower operating temperatures even under full load or during overclocking.The MSI N210 series graphics cards use solid state capacitors; solid state chokes (SSCs) and other military class components to further increase absolute stability. These important measures don't only increase stability under heavy work load but also increase lifespan. Furthermore electrical noise that traditional components are bound to cause, is minimized and over-all stability is maximized.Apart from performance and stability considerations, the MSI N210 series have also been built to meet high definition audio-visual demands by offering native HDMI output. Now users don't need to worry about multiple cables anymore and can easily and directly hook up their LCD TV with one single cable combining audio and video. This dramatic reduction of various cables makes the MSI N210 series an ideal component to an HTPC platform.
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