TL-SF1008D 8-port 10/100Mbps Fast Ethernet Switch provides 8 10/100Mbps Auto-Negotiation RJ45 ports. All ports support Auto MDI/MDIX function, eliminating the need for crossover cables or Uplink ports. The Switch is Plug-and-Play and each port can be used as general ports or Uplink ports and can be simply plugged into a server, a hub or a switch, using straight cable or crossover cable.The TP-LINK TL-SF1008D 8-port 10/100M Fast Ethernet Switch provides you with a low-cost, easy-to-use, high-performance, seamless and standard upgrade to improve your old network to a 100Mbps network. It will boost your network performance up to full duplex data transfer. Its wire-speed switching that forwards packets can be as fast as the speed that your network delivers those packets to them.
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