HP Professional Glossy Laser Paper produces impressive brochures, flyers and marketing materials. This paper is ideal for creating standout glossy prints without leaving the office. Rely on HP for superior, consistent performance. This sturdy 150 g/m², bright white paper brings a professional look and feel to your printed materials. Make an immediate impression thanks to the ultra-smooth surface and rich, vivid colors - people notice it as soon as they touch it.HP Professional Glossy Laser Paper features a smooth, glossy finish that brings rich color and a high quality look to your documents. Get optimal performance on HP Color LaserJet printers. Print professional business documents including brochures, flyers and marketing materials without having to leave the office. This thick, heavy paper delivers crisp text and sharp, vibrant color images.HP Professional Glossy Laser Paper produces impressive brochures, flyers and marketing materials. This paper is ideal for creating standout glossy prints without leaving the office.
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