A CAL suite is a single license that provides use rights equivalent to multiple licenses. Like other CALs, CAL suites can be licensed on a per-user or per-device basis. CAL suites simplify licensing and tracking by reducing the number of licenses necessary to access Microsoft servers. CAL suites may also provide pricing that is more attractive than licensing the equivalent components individually. However, since a suite is a single license the sum of individual CALsCAL suites cannot be divided among more than one user or device.The Enterprise CAL suite provides rights to several management server products and several online services subscriptions. In all cases, that component was licensed separately. The only exception is that both per-user and per-device options are available in CAL suites even when both options are not available outside the suite.
Včasih se v Markit katalogu pojavijo produtki, ki jih ne moremo smatrati kot nove ali imajo določene posebnosti. Ti produkti imajo lahko manjšo garancijsko dobo ali omejeno možnost vračila. Zgodi se tudi, da nekateri distributerji tako označujejo kompatibilne produkte (npr. tonerje) in vas tako opozorijo da kupujete neoriginalne artikle. Prosimo potrdite, da želite naročiti produkt s takimi omejitvami.
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