Create a high-resolution 4k x 2k connection with HBR2 support between your Mini DisplayPort -equipped laptop and a standard DP monitor. The MDP2DPMM1M 1m Mini DisplayPort to DisplayPort Adapter Cable, features a Mini DP male connector on one end, and a DP male connector on the other, allowing you to connect any Mini DisplayPort-equipped laptop (including the Mac family of products) to an HDTV, monitor or projector that uses a standard DisplayPort connection.The mDP to DP cable supports high resolutions of up to 4k x 2k (3840 x 2160) @ 60Hz with a maximum HBR2 bandwidth of 21.6 Gbps. The cable also supports Multi-Stream (MST) for daisy chaining multiple monitors and provides optional audio support.Please Note: Newer laptop and desktop computers (e.g. Apple) come equipped with Thunderbolt ports only. The Mini DP to DP Cables can be connected to the Thunderbolt ports, enabling you to connect your DP compatible displays.
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