Zebra - 25 kusy printer cleaning card - pro LP 2042, 2142; TigerWriter 4

Kód produktu 105950-034
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Looking for answers? Look no further than Zebra. Customers in a wide range of industries and government programs depend on Zebra for their unique requirements. Zebra's industry solutions are drawn from innovative thinking and from proven experience. In fact, Zebra solutions help thousands of companies, in more than 95 countries, operate more efficiently and improve the way they serve their customers.

Popis výrobku
Zebra - 25 kusy - printer cleaning card
Typ výrobku
Printer cleaning card
Zahrnuté množství
25 kusy
Kompatibilní s
LP 2042, 2142; TigerWriter 4
Typ spotřebního zboží
Printer cleaning card
Zahrnuté množství
25 kusy
Kompatibilní s
Eltron LP 2042, 2142 ¦ Eltron TigerWriter 4