
MARKIT 2020 – The Year in Focus


As for every company, 2020 was quite different to any other year - but it has forced innovation and agility and, at the same time, clearly proved the resilience of Markit’s business model, the attractiveness of our solution to international companies the amazing adaptability of our 129 Markiteers. 

To say it was a challenging year would be an understatement, but we responded well to our client’s pains and needs and helped them succeed in overcoming many of the IT procurement challenges they have faced and are still facing in some markets. Additionally, our clients have managed to get secure, on time IT deliveries and continue to save time and money despite - all the obstacles. 

The word appears to have “got out” too as, since the start of the pandemic over 2,000 companies have joined Markit as clients. We must be doing something right! 

Our average 2020 NPS (Net Promoter Score) client satisfaction rating grew to 66.9% (up 3.0%) with 10 countries scoring over 70% - the sign of truly world class performance.  

Looking back, here are some of the key highlights of 2020, with links for further reading. 






  • As the effects, and future business implications, of the pandemic became clearer we shared our standpoint, and gave our opinions on: The importance of trust (and how it matters more than ever now) and client service agility (our clients, and yours, will remember how they were treated during the crisis.)  
  • As part of our continuing Asian expansion plans, Markit Indonesia was incorporated and is scheduled to start trading in Q2 2022 once full catalogue integrations are completed. 

June - July  

  • An extraordinarily busy time helping new and existing clients succeed in acquiring the IT products they needed for critical projects and new remote working scenarios. 





A completely new layer of transparent information and data about each Markit country including: 

  1. The size of the IT distribution market, the proportion of distributors integrated in Markit (thus showing the health and penetration of the marketplace) 
  2. More real time data showing the number of products available locally and cross border 
  3. Detailed, dynamic, delivery speed and accuracy data for each country 
  4. Transparent stock availability, delivery speed and delivery accuracy data from key IT Distributors. 
  5. A map showing where products are shipped from, which can help clients choose supply options where products have less distance to travel. 
  • The IT catalogue in Markit’s marketplace expanded throughout the year and now offers over 3.5 million unique IT products (3565471 to be precise, 31 December). As far as we know, this means the Markit marketplace is by far the largest source of IT products (from a single supplier) in the world. 

As we reflect on a challenging year, we would like to offer a special thank you to all our valued clients (and welcome the 2,750 new ones who have joined during the pandemic). We really appreciate their trust in allowing us to help them transform their IT purchasing challenges into long-term successful money and time saving success stories.  

We would not be in 35 countries serving over 10,000 clients without the smooth cooperation of hundreds of partners and our amazing 135 Markiteers who make it all happen.  

So, thanks again to all of you, and to all of us too.

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