Proofpoint Enterprise Data Loss Prevention - S - Licencja na subskrypcję (1 rok) - hostowane - głośność - 2501-5000 licenses - global deployment

Kod produktu PP-B-ENTDLPR-S-A-105
Marka Proofpoint
Gwarancja Nieznany
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Magazyn Dostępność Przewidywany czas dostawy Cena
TDGB 9876 16.07.2024 Nieznany 54,24

Opis producenta

Data doesn't lose itself. People lose data - through negligence, malice and compromise. Proofpoint Enterprise Data Loss Prevention (DLP) is the people-centric DLP solution that brings context across content, behavior and threats together for people-centric insight into and prevention of data loss.

Kluczowe zalety

  • Address real security and compliance issues
  • Tackle all your Enterprise DLP scenarios
  • Easily apply common classification
  • Make faster decisions
  • Accelerate your ROI
  • Simplify your program with a cloud-native architecture

Funkcje produktu

  • Address real security and compliance issues
    On average, it takes about 15 minutes to review an alert. This equates to 32 alerts a day if a you have a fully dedicated person assigned to only review alerts. And there's no time to work through a long alert list when you're trying to identify a malicious or compromised user. Proofpoint adds both threat and behavior telemetry to content to determine intent and risk. Combining these into a modern timeline view helps you understand if the user that triggered the DLP alert is compromised, malicious or negligent.
  • Tackle all your Enterprise DLP scenarios
    By bringing together telemetry across email, cloud and endpoint, Proofpoint Enterprise DLP solution allows your security and compliance teams to address the complete range of people-centric data loss scenarios - all in a single solution.
  • Easily apply common classification
    A common DLP classification can be applied across channels. And it easily complies with data protection regulations. For Proofpoint customers who are existing single-channel DLP users, the classifications can also be made common and extended to a channel, such as cloud applications. This saves you time and removes administrative headache.
  • Make faster decisions
    With people-centric approach, one can get to a faster response and investigation time. And not only within your security and compliance teams, but also with legal and HR departments.
  • Accelerate your ROI
    When all of these people-centric risk reduction and operational cost savings are combined, you get faster time to value with your Enterprise DLP solution.
  • Simplify your program with a cloud-native architecture
    A modern DLP product has advantages over legacy DLP approaches. It's people-centric; it's a consolidated, easy-to-manage solution; and it has a scalable, cloud-based architecture.

Opis produktu
Proofpoint Enterprise Data Loss Prevention - S - licencja na subskrypcję (1 rok) - 1 licencja
Typ produktu
Licencja na subskrypcję - 1 rok
Usługi online i narzędziowe - ochrona przed utratą danych
Typ instalacji
Hostowane - SaaS
Ilość licencji
1 licencja
Ustalanie ceny za licencję
Głośność / 2501-5000 licenses
Zasady licencjonowania
Global deployment
Usługi online i narzędziowe - ochrona przed utratą danych
Typ produktu
Licencja na subskrypcję - 1 rok
Typ instalacji
Hostowane - SaaS
Ilość licencji
1 licencja
Ustalanie ceny za licencję
Głośność / 2501-5000 licenses
Global deployment