Kategori: Filmler
Kod: 8667073
Marka: Kodak
Garanti: Bilinmiyor
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Teklif iste

Pazarlama açıklaması

Sebastião Salgado has long relied on Kodak Professional TRI-X Film to express the human condition as he sees it. This classic black-and-white film allows for maximum pushability when he needs it, while its wide exposure latitude lets him leverage even the most challenging lighting situations. And the distinctive grain structure adds a level of realism as dramatic and profound as each subject.

Anahtar satış noktaları

  • World's best-selling black-and-white film
  • Classic grain structure for low light and action
  • Fine grain, high sharpness
  • Wide exposure latitude
  • TRI-X 400 has a maximum pushability to EI 1600